driftelite logo, Feb 7
As of Feb 5, 2022, The new logo on the left will be used. So, in case you're wondering what wheel that is, well, unfortunately, I don't...
Welcome to the official page of driftelite! Please feel free to go about and learn what driftelite supports!
Driver: @forever_g35
Photographer: uknown
Behind driftelite
If you think driftelite is run by a group of individuals, think again! Although it is not a big page yet, believe it or not, the creator of driftelite is ran by a 18 year old. Crazy right? Well, it's true. The same person making this website started the page on February 9th, 2021. So, that being said, my full name is George Zavala, and I'm from San Mateo, CA. And if it's one thing everyone knows about me, it's that I LOVE the sport of drifting. I first started this page with an idea that I could make a instagram page where any driver, no matter how big or small, or how skillful or talented, could promote their content. So I got to work, I decided I would make my own logo, make a separate email, and begin with the posting. Two months later I would reach 1,000 followers, and then in two more months I would reach 2,000. Some people just think that drifting is cool and don't think much of it, but for me, for me it's different. Every driver I post isn't because I want likes or followers, its because every time I post something I get noticed by these people, these drivers, to me, role models. Hoping that by having this page, I can someday become part of media on the track, or even just hang out with drivers, see cars, and begin my mission of becoming a drift driver.
What I support
I believe that every driver should able to promote their own posts at no cost. That's why I created driftelite. If you are a driver that wants to get out there and get noticed a little more, you can send me any photos you'd like! Driftelite is not about posting random drift videos every other car page has, it's about being able to connect and discover real drivers from all over the globe and creating a community of those that shred tires. And lets not forget the amazing photographers that take the awesome shots! Please contact me on instagram if you'd like me to post your awesome photos!
What we post
At driftelite, I always want drivers and photographers to promote their amazing content. Many drivers come to me every week and ask if I can post their photos. At driftelite I have a thing where I repost other drivers shots, those are marked with the #Repost. Photos without the reposted corner is content that drivers generously sent me to post! Please note every photo I post has the correct photographer and driver tagged! Like I said, I respect and appreciate using anybody's content and will never post anything without them being tagged! Sometimes, some photos will be edited by me, but that's just for looks. I will ask for permission if that is the case. That being said, Drivers and photographers reserve the right to take down their photo if requested.
Photo credit:
1: Driver: @andreas_anker_olsen
Photographer: @snapbackphotographyofficiel
2: Driver: @sddrift
Photographer: @adsb_photography
3: Driver: @rynodrifts
Photographer: Unknown
4: Drivers: @dallendriven / @gage.griffin22
Photographer: @clutchclickd
5: Driver: @driftin_ash
Photographer: @on_the_limit__photography
6: Driver: @carlitoconchile
Photographer: @jessicajmillersport
7: Driver: @brightslide_drift
Photographer: @filidrifts
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Because we support our drivers
Drifter of the day is something I'm really happy I created because it gives drivers an opportunity to get noticed by others. Drifter of the day is posted everyday on my story, and the point of it is to give drivers, mostly smaller ones, the chance to feel connected in a community and feature them so that they can grow their page. Super happy to have made it a thing because people always ask me about it! Please go follow everyone I post!
Driver below: @_djsummers_
Photographer: @zorvn
what's a drift page without memes???
No seriously it'd be boring. When I post, I try to create memes that no one else has thought of, and that's what makes them unique. Whether it might be relatable, or make someone mad, or just find it funny overall, I enjoy making them for everyone to share. Sometimes I may add some of my own followers in the memes, to grab peoples attention haha. I try to post one gallery of memes at least once a month, as you can imagine you start to run out of ideas. Go ahead and like, share them, and comment. All support is appreciated!